The Photo Collection of the 2013 Dhammachai Dhutanga on January 2nd, 2013
The Photo Collection of the 2013 Dhammachai Dhutanga on January 2nd, 2013.
Guinness World Records - The longest journey walking on flower petals
Guinness World Records accepted that the Dhammachai Dhutanga is the longest journey walking on flower petals which is the latest non-registered record in the world.
The Dhammachai Dhutanga along the Ways of the Most Ven. Phramongkolthepmuni (Sod Candasaro) in the second year
The Dhammachai Dhutanga along the Ways of the Most Ven.Phramongkolthepmuni (Sod-Candasaro) in the second year. This is to succeed Thai culture, worship the Lord Buddha in 2013, relieve people's mind and make a big merit to Thailand
V-Star Remain Kathina 2012
V-Star Remain Kathina Ceremony in 2012
Ministry of Culture aims to teach Thai youths about 5 precepts via the short film
Ministry of Culture aims to teach Thai youths about 5 precepts via the short film.
การบันทึกสถิติโลกของกินเนสส์ เวิลด์ เรคคอร์ด สถิติใหม่ล่าสุดที่ยังไม่เคยมีการบันทึกเอาไว้
การบันทึกสถิติโลกของกินเนสส์ เวิลด์ เรคคอร์ด Guinness World Records สถิติใหม่ล่าสุด “การเดินทางด้วยเท้าบนกลีบดอกไม้ที่ยาวที่สุดในโลก” ระยะทาง 427.8 กิโลเมตร
The First Dhamma Seminar for OBEC, Thailand
It is wonderful news for Thai children when Education Minister and his team realize the importance of Dhamma. Thai education will be brighter and brighter when teachers become the merit models for their students.
The Nationwide Rain-Retreat Ordination 2012 Program of 100,000 Monks
Details of the Nationwide Rain-Retreat Ordination 2012 Program of 100,000 Monks
Meditation Testimonials - Novice Thawan Buddharaksa
New Generation love Buddhism!!
The Middle Way Meditation Retreat would like to invite you to join our seven-day meditation retreat, conducted almost every month at “Suan Pa Himmawan” Retreat Center, near the Phu Ruea National Park in the Northeastern province of Loei, Thailand.